jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Como : Gestionar contraseñas guardadas en Windows 7

En la ventana de Simbolo del sitema , teclear el siguiente comando:

c:\Windows\System32>rundll32.exe keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr

Para seguidamente , poder gestionarlos mediane la siguiente ventana.

martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

Como eliminar : System Care Antivirus

Manual removal is all about using your own knowledge to get rid of the malware and this method can be risky at times. If you don’t know how to find the infected files and correct registry entries, you won’t be able to remove the malware fully. On the other hand, If you leave traces of the malware on your computer, System Care Antivirus will return back in no time and start bugging you again.

For this reason, please follow manual removal steps at your own risk and don’t delete any files just because you think that they are infected.

1. Before you do anything else, you need to stop System Care Antivirus from running in your computer so that It can’t interfere with removal process. To terminate System Care Antivirus forcefully, you need to download Process Explorer and save it as “explorer.exe” on desktop. Once you’ve got Process Explorer on your computer, run it and End task System Care Antivirus.

2. Now find these malicious files and delete them permanently :

%CommonAppData%\<random numbers and chars>\
%CommonAppData%\<random numbers and chars>\<random numbers and chars>
%CommonAppData%\<random numbers and chars>\<random numbers and chars>.exe
%CommonAppData%\<random numbers and chars>\<random numbers and chars>.ico

Please don’t delete any files from your computer If you feel that you’re deleting the wrong onces.

3. After deleting malicious files, edit the registry and remove malicious registry entries so that malware can’t launch itself at startup. To run registry editor, click on “Start—>Run” type, “regedit” and click OK button.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce “<random numbers and chars>”

If you follow manual removal steps correctly, you should be able to remove System Care Antivirus. Please also keep in mind that manual removal instructions may get outdated at anytime. Although we try to keep the removal guides fresh but If the malware changes its way of working, you can always try your hands on Automatic Removal as this method is supposed to work all the time. If you’ve any questions, please feel free to post them here.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Como exportar la configuracion de Outlook via regedit

En el equipo antiguo ir a la siguiente clave de registro :

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook

Exportar la rama del registro a un fichero y copiarlo en el nuevo PC.

Instalar Outlook en el nuevo PC y antes de ejecutar el mismo , hacer doble click sobre el archivo exportado con anterioridad y se nos configuraran automaticamente todas las cuentas , a falta de introducir de nuevo las contraseñas de las mismas.

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Como activar un proyector desactivado anteriormente

Ha veces ocurre que de tanto conectar un portatil en diferentes proyectores , TV y/o pantallas estos "desaparecen" del panel y no los podemos gestionar , para solucionarlo hay que pulsar con el boton derecho del raton en el apartado de "reproduccion" y marcar las opciones de :
  • Mostrar dispositivos deshabilitados.
  • Mostrar dispositivos desconectados.

Como personalizar GFI MaxRM para que nos avise si un equipo se ha reiniciado

Interesante post en : http://blog.sbs-rocks.com/2010/01/gfimax-can-tell-you-when-the-server-reboots/